
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Its a century !!!

I was away from blogging for nearly one month. This is my 100th post, I wanted to make it very special!

Sometimes I think , how could I achieve this. Already the followers list has increased to 120 and the hits to more the 150000. Oh! Really I'm surprised. I never thought that I would achieve so much.
But I was never behind the numbers, I just went on posting about my works in arts and crafts, that's all. I think whatever I achieved shows the power of passion!

Above all , I have got some lovely friends through this blogosphere!

If I look  back, my entry into blogosphere is accidental. I just wanted to share about the screen printing works.Slowly started sharing and writing about  all other works  in arts and crafts.  Then started sharing about my expirience with each of the works, and  about others' works and so on.It is still going on.

As I have told you I want to make it very special, so let me start a give away. Recently I started making artificial hand crafted jewellery.  So from collections these 4( 2 winners will be selected) earrings from my collections.
Here are those:

 For enter into contest, you just have to write your email address in the comment section or you can also send a mail to me. And most important one, like my page on facebook :
So hope you will enjoy this give away.
Last date for this give away entry is 30th Jan 2013. The results will be declared on 1st Feb 2013
Will come back back many more works, expiriences in arts and crafts .

Until then  ,
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. Welcome back and super congrats on your 100th Post my dear friend!

  2. Congratulations...
    Wishing you many more successes in blogland and other ventures :)

  3. Congrats on the 100th post Ranjana!:)

  4. congrats on your century ! :) keep writing . .hope it wont be long before you reach a double century as well ;)

  5. Congratulations Ranjana!!! Loved the earings.. hard to believe you have hand crafted these lovely earrings

    So here I am one more addition in your followers' list

  6. Hearty congratulations on your century!!!! May you have many more!!

  7. Congrats Ranjana on your century of posts. It must be a great feeling.Nice to see that you have widened your creative scope to include jewellery. This is indicative of the great depth of your creative talent. Best wishes to you & yours. Happy Pongal & Sankranti.

  8. Your blog is very different and I like it. Keep blogging.

  9. beautiful jewellery.Congrates on 100 post...keep up gud work

  10. congrats and LOVE the pieces!

    new follower!

    nick0166 (at) yahoo dot com

  11. Congrats on your 100th post. It`s been a lovely learning and inspiring experience to go through all your posts. Keep up the blog postings. Will love reading them!

    Looking forward to many many more............


  12. Congrats!

    Given your creative, you may be interested in this contest:

  13. Congrats on your 100th post :) lovely earings too.
    Please pop over and follow along...

  14. Congrats, I love your jewelry. I get to see them on FB. Great work!

  15. Renjuz....who is the lucky winner?

  16. I am so sorry to have missed your giveaway. Such pretty jewellery.
