
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Handmade Jewelries - New Craze

From past few days I was not able to post anything , since I was busy at work front. And also saddest thing, my dear son has spoiled , one of the important contributors to this blog, "MY CAMERA".
Anyways, in the busy schedule, one weekend I had attended Jewelry making workshop. I made few jewelries. I fell in love with this art. Love to play with different kinds of beads.
Here are some of them:
To my surprise , these are  already sold. My friend grabbed these from me when I showed it to them.
Some of the earrings I made.
This has drop shaped pearl and acrylic multifaceted opaque beads in maroon color beads

The one has wired beads and drop shaped orange beads(Already booked by a friend)

Golden color and green combination.

The below one is long earring in Orange color
Silver chandelier earring with small beads 
Anklet and bracelet

I had made many earrings and necklaces. Most of them are sold. This has given me courage to start a new blog only for handmade jewelries and the apparels I create, so that my creations will reach many.Here you can view my creations :
 This was possible because of great support from all my readers. Thank you so much for your support to take one more step in this blogosphere.

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. Congratulations on starting your new handmade jewelry blog. It already looks a winner. What better birthday gift to one's self can one give than actualizing one's dreams. Have a wonderful time, Ranjana.

  2. Hi Ranjana,

    Its great for a person to follow his heart and I can see you are just doing that. All the wishes.

  3. wow!! lovely pieces of jewelry! Am not surprised they sold out!

  4. Great work :) . I have jewellery making myself two years back . Due to scarcity of timethe interest has taken a backseat now . I did make fewearrings and gave them to one of my friends as a birthday gift . she was elated :)

  5. Nice jewellery! I too wanted to learn earlier and had bought the materials few years back but did not get any chance to learn.

  6. They look really beautifil, Ranjana. You got some real skill and talent. Let it grow. :)

  7. Pretty stuff, Ranjana. All the best.

  8. Super creations ranjana. I think it's current the in thing in craft in India. My grandma got the bug and now I m re waiving so many necklaces.

  9. Worth to be grabbed.... All of them are so attractive that even if I was there I would have done that tooooo.............

  10. prettyyyyy ones -loved it :) :)

  11. Very beautiful designs..Keep up the good work Ranjana..:-)

  12. those are lovely colorful earrings ..

    and brilliant creation


  13. Very creative pieces, Ranjana. You must start selling them on-line...and if you're already doing it, kindly pass on the link to me...
    Loved them all!!

  14. Such lovely designs. I am not surprised it sold at once.

  15. WoW! How beautiful! I would love to have these, all gem creations. Keep it going, Ranjana :)

  16. So Beautiful :) You did great job..keep sharing your more handmade stuff :)

  17. Many years back I had made some forty fifty ear drops, I wish I had taken pictures. Lovely post and some awesome pieces ~

  18. They are so pretty and congrats on selling the jewelry.!

    Dr Sonia

  19. Loved all the stuff ....very pretty ... keep it up :)

  20. You have made awesome jewelries, earrings are looking so beautiful, and every photograph has incredible look. I want to say thanks for sharing this interesting post with awesome jewelries design.

  21. Pretty beautiful creations. I love these.


  22. lovely jwels... i love the 1st, 3rd and the 7th one very much
