
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Radha Krishna -Unbounded Love !

I always wished to draw pencil sketches of Radha Krishna. But as I'm not trained properly in pencil sketching was bit hesitant, thinking that something might go wrong.
Before working on these pencil sketches I studied stories about Radha Krishana, from different sources. There are different opinions about Radha Krishna, from various scholars.

Some opine Radha and Krishna married as per Gandharva Vivaha( a kind of Hindu marriage type) Almost all stories stress that , the Radha Krishna love story signifies, union of Atma (soul) with Paramatma( Supreme soul). The love was bond less, knew no bonds and bounds.
Radha and Krishna could not separate from each other, as they were always united.The following sketch is based on unity of Radha and Krishna.

Some opine Radha was already married and she was elder to Krishna. Krishna because of responsibilities  could not marry Radha etc.While leaving from Brindavan to Mathura, Krishna gave his flute to Radha and   he never met Radha again.

Radha was left with memories of Krishna and the flute given by him.
The below sketch is of Radha, lost in memories of Krishna. She is chuckling. And she is wearing Peacock feather, which was one of Krishna's favourites.

And the below one with Radha with the flute given by Krishna. She was eagerly waiting for Krishna, looking at the horizon for the Krishna's arrival.

I know these sketches are not perfect. I will try to improve in the next sketches. But happy to share it on the occasion of  second anniversary of my blog! Thanks to all the readers. Wish this journey of togetherness continues.

Many more to share in the coming posts,

Until then,
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. wow such a nice post...happy anniversary to you blog.........
    i like the second sketch out of all three...

  2. Very beautiful sketches Ranjana..Keep coming..:-)

  3. Very good work Ranjana, the second face has come outv. well..
    Keep sketching..

  4. Wow that is a nice way to keep mythology alive. I have always admired your pencil sketches and these are truly wowful!!

  5. Excellent sketch. Worth every effort that you spent on this. You mentioned about reading about Krishna and Radha from various sources..Wanted to share my view on this..Radha is imaginary. There is no evidence of Radha's existence. Even Srimad Bhagavatha doesn't mention Radha as one of the Gopika Stree. Infact all those Gopika Strees are nothing but Anusandhana of Sri Lakshmi..This is hard for some people to beleive, but this is the truth..Am quoting this as in Srimad Bhagavatha and not my personal view..

  6. beautiful!!! good work ranjana:)

  7. Thanks all for liking the sketches.
    @ Ravindra M S:
    Yes, even I've read that even Bhagavatam doesn't have the mention of Radha. These all started from Bhakti Pantha. I did not want to mention that, as mine is art/crafts blog and I prefer to discuss about arts and crafts here. The sketches have come out from my imaginations and emotions. Thanks again for liking the sketches....

  8. Beautiful sketches. I did not you can do this also.

  9. Lovely and charming pencil sketches

  10. Nice one...

    keep practicing, one day it will be in newspaper or magazine for sure :D

  11. It is very good! Specially the second one.

  12. Very good sketches. Keep sketching & blogging.

  13. So beautiful pencil sketches...:)You're truly creative, Ranjana...

  14. So beautiful Ranjana .... wether Radha existed or not ...for me Radha and Kanha symbolize true love and you have brough out that love in your sketches !

  15. You are really good, keep drawing and you will improve to the level you want to reach :D

  16. They are lovely. And yes, practice makes us better. Happy Anniversary to your blog. I love your work. :)

  17. Such pretty sketches !!

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  18. Such pretty sketches !!

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  19. Nice sketches!
    Interesting reading!

  20. You have captured the faces in true Ethnic gods painting style..way to go Ranjana
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