
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Peacock design in Batik painting

Peacock  inspires many forms of arts and crafts. It has influenced our ancient arts as well as modern arts. 

In fabric and jewellery design we find huge influence of peacock design. You can see some of my works in screen printing using peacock design.

Here sharing, another design which I found on a saree. This is a saree with batik painting. Already I have shared about batik painting in my previous posts. 

This is not my work, but very beautiful peacock in batik painting found on a saree.Here it is:

peacock design
Peacock design in batik painting
Very beautiful , isn't it? Will share some more peacock designs in the coming posts.

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,

Saturday, April 23, 2016

She is beautiful, stylish- making of Clay doll

She is beautiful, she is stylish with wild designer dress, and has lovely curled golden hair. I'm not talking about any Hollywood actress, she is the cutie doll.
Here she is :
clay doll making
Cutie doll
Is she not mesmerizing you by her beauty? I know you can't say NO. She is the cutie doll I made from clay.

Doll making is an ancient art. Human beings are always fascinated by dolls. The Gombe habba(Festival of dolls)  of Karnataka    is an example for this.  I have written in last posts there are several kinds of dolls made  in India, like Channpatna dolls,Kinnala doll etc.

Making of clay doll:

I was longing to learn making of clay doll. Inquired many experts too. But either there was time constraint or location was too far. At last  my wish fulfilled. I enrolled to learn Siporex carving class, the organizer told me she is conducting class to make clay doll too. Immediately I enrolled for both. This took 2 days to complete the doll making. The whole experience of making doll was very nice and the trainer was very patient to answer all our queries. 
The end result is very cute. Here are the glimpses of cuteness, beautiful face
clay doll making

Her beautiful golden color , curly hair with hat on that:
clay doll making
Long golden hair!
Her stylish shoes:
clay doll making
Wild shoes
Overall she is not lees than any Hollywood actress :)
clay doll making

I wanted to share the procedure of making, but could not take the photos of the intermediate steps. Soon will make one more cutie doll and share the tutorial with my readers. 

Until then,

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Kinnala Dolls- looks like dolls with life

Kranataka is always known for its handicraft. Different kinds of crafts are practiced in different parts of the state. Karnataka being always has its own heritage of wooden crafts. The wooden craft practiced in coastal part of Karnataka  is unique. Similarly the wooden toys, Channapattana dolls  are world famous for its cuteness and attractive colors.
Here are  the colorful Channapatna dolls:
Channapatna dolls
Channapattana dolls
 Another kind of dolls made in a small village Koppala of Karnataka, Kinnala dolls. These are also made of wood, but entirely different from Channpatana dolls. Channapatna dolls are cute and looks like dolls, but Kinnala dolls are dolls with life.At first sight you feel these are small human beings:
Kinnala dolls
Kinnala dolls
Kinnala is a small village in Koppala district of Karnataka. Once this place was flourishing centre for crafts.The Kinnala craft dates back to 13th century, during rule of Vijayanagar empire, the craft flourished a lot. Kinnala art was started with painting the wooden plates and murals on the temples. Then craftsmen started making cradles , dolls etc and painting it with beautiful colors.
Very light weight wood is used to make the dolls and after making the parts, the parts are joined using paste made of tamarind seed powder and saw dust. And these are painted with natural colors. Earlier the craftsmen were making human figures:
Kinnala dolls
Human figures - Kinnala dolls
Here are the dolls depicting pooja of a deity:
Kinnala dolls

Now the craftsmen make animal figures too, in the below figures you can see those:
Kinnala dolls

Garuda( Vehicle of Vishnu) and Kamadhenu (An animal in Hindu mythology) are very popular among Kinnala toys:
Kinnala dolls
Doll making art has always fascinated human beings.In Karnataka many celebrate Gombe habba exhibiting the collection of dolls. There are different kinds dolls made of different materials like cloth, wire, sponge , wood etc. 

Recently learnt to make doll from clay. Will share about that in the coming post.

Until then,

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Decoupage Box- Antique look

Recently worked on many decoupage projects. I feel among all the crafts, decoupage is less time consuming and gives magical transformation. In the process of decorating my craft room, I'm making many handmade items . I have already shared about the craft table made,  and the shelf transformed with decoupage.  This is one more decoupage box to decorate my craft room.I have used antique look paper with miniature painting.
Here is it with my craft supplies:
Decoupage box
Box with my craft supplies

How to make decoupage box with antique look(Tutorial)

This is a wooden box, which I got it made by a carpenter. The first step is to paint with primer.

Decoupage box
First paint with primer

 I have some miniature paintings replicas , which I had got when I had visited Salar jung museum , Hyderabad. Attached it on one side of the box.
Decoupage box
Miniature paint attached
To give antique look, I selected a paper with antique look. Attached it on all the sides of the box.
This time I used Modpodge for the decoupage. I felt it was very easy to handle and the finishing was very nice.
Decoupage box
With antique paper attached

Here is the box completed:
Decoupage box
Completed box

Inside also painted with brown color and outside with a modpodge. It looks like antique box. Hope to complete many more projects in coming days. Will definitely share with you all.

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,

Friday, April 8, 2016

Customized photo frame- theme Table Tennis sport

Again was away from blogging for one month. Every year in the month of March I get busy with annual exams of my students. So every year I come with same excuse , "Uff! these exams!". This time it was very hectic.This time I could not check comments, forget about writing a post. I was away from all my craft projects and designing projects. During those hectic days also, I had to make a customized photo frame, as this was an order from my son :).
Being a table tennis player , he wanted to gift his friend , who is also a a table tennis player. So I made this photo frame with theme of  table tennis sports.
Here it is :

photo frame
Photo frame - Theme table tennis

The frame is in the color of table , 2 rackets , a ball and a trophy.

How to make themed photo frame:

Sharing the tutorial to make the photo frame :
Choose photo frame of required size, and paint the frame  with primer:

photo frame
Paint it with primer

Allow it to dry, and on that paint dark green color. I had selected this color, because I wanted to make it look like a table tennis table. You can select color according to theme you have selected.
photo frame
Paint with required color
Using m-seal clay, or any other clay make two table tennis rackets and ball:
photo frame
With clay make rackets and ball
Attach it to appropriate place with fevicol. I chose 2 corners of the frame:
photo frame
Attach it on the frame

Paint it with appropriate colors:
photo frame
Paint the rackets
Here it is ready with the photos of the champions!
photo frame
Ready with the photo
My son liked it very much. And his friend too. His friend told him that it was gift of his life time. What else I want!

Now holidays! So planning to design many sarees and complete pending projects in arts and crafts. Will share about those in coming posts,

Until then,

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,