
Saturday, April 23, 2016

She is beautiful, stylish- making of Clay doll

She is beautiful, she is stylish with wild designer dress, and has lovely curled golden hair. I'm not talking about any Hollywood actress, she is the cutie doll.
Here she is :
clay doll making
Cutie doll
Is she not mesmerizing you by her beauty? I know you can't say NO. She is the cutie doll I made from clay.

Doll making is an ancient art. Human beings are always fascinated by dolls. The Gombe habba(Festival of dolls)  of Karnataka    is an example for this.  I have written in last posts there are several kinds of dolls made  in India, like Channpatna dolls,Kinnala doll etc.

Making of clay doll:

I was longing to learn making of clay doll. Inquired many experts too. But either there was time constraint or location was too far. At last  my wish fulfilled. I enrolled to learn Siporex carving class, the organizer told me she is conducting class to make clay doll too. Immediately I enrolled for both. This took 2 days to complete the doll making. The whole experience of making doll was very nice and the trainer was very patient to answer all our queries. 
The end result is very cute. Here are the glimpses of cuteness, beautiful face
clay doll making

Her beautiful golden color , curly hair with hat on that:
clay doll making
Long golden hair!
Her stylish shoes:
clay doll making
Wild shoes
Overall she is not lees than any Hollywood actress :)
clay doll making

I wanted to share the procedure of making, but could not take the photos of the intermediate steps. Soon will make one more cutie doll and share the tutorial with my readers. 

Until then,

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,



  1. This is such a lovely learning, an imaginative work. Good you did this!

  2. You made it??!!!!!wow amazinnnnnggg
    Please upload the tutorial and share with all if us .you ate lucky to have opportunities to learn various art form
    Happy Crafting :)

    1. Thank you Gazala. Yes this clay doll is made by me :)
      Definitely will share about the tutorial.

  3. Very well made, looks quality material too.

    1. Thank you. Yes, the quality of the clay is very good.

  4. Wow, Wow, Wow!!! It's hard to believe this is made our of clay. You did great job my friend. This is a very neatly handcrafted doll. Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. Wow! So beautiful. I am eagerly awaiting for the tutorial.

    1. Thank you Ms. Sharma. Will definitely post tutorials

  6. Oh my gosh, this is absolutely amazing!! Wow!! She's gorgeous!! I love, love her hair!! What a stunning project this is!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts
