
Friday, April 8, 2016

Customized photo frame- theme Table Tennis sport

Again was away from blogging for one month. Every year in the month of March I get busy with annual exams of my students. So every year I come with same excuse , "Uff! these exams!". This time it was very hectic.This time I could not check comments, forget about writing a post. I was away from all my craft projects and designing projects. During those hectic days also, I had to make a customized photo frame, as this was an order from my son :).
Being a table tennis player , he wanted to gift his friend , who is also a a table tennis player. So I made this photo frame with theme of  table tennis sports.
Here it is :

photo frame
Photo frame - Theme table tennis

The frame is in the color of table , 2 rackets , a ball and a trophy.

How to make themed photo frame:

Sharing the tutorial to make the photo frame :
Choose photo frame of required size, and paint the frame  with primer:

photo frame
Paint it with primer

Allow it to dry, and on that paint dark green color. I had selected this color, because I wanted to make it look like a table tennis table. You can select color according to theme you have selected.
photo frame
Paint with required color
Using m-seal clay, or any other clay make two table tennis rackets and ball:
photo frame
With clay make rackets and ball
Attach it to appropriate place with fevicol. I chose 2 corners of the frame:
photo frame
Attach it on the frame

Paint it with appropriate colors:
photo frame
Paint the rackets
Here it is ready with the photos of the champions!
photo frame
Ready with the photo
My son liked it very much. And his friend too. His friend told him that it was gift of his life time. What else I want!

Now holidays! So planning to design many sarees and complete pending projects in arts and crafts. Will share about those in coming posts,

Until then,

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. I'm sure your son loved it
    Looking forward for other projects which you are going to complete.

  2. Perfect, they'll treasure it for a long time.

  3. You have described it so well that it looks simple to me. A lovely gift!

  4. Great idea.
    I look forward to seeing your sarees, Ranjana.
    I hope you are doing well. :)
