
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gombe Habba- Dolls everywhre

I have already shared about Gombe habba I visited in the following posts :
Gombe Habba with different themes  
Gombe habba with different themes- Festivals 
The collection of the dolls were so much that, I had to continue with this post also. I could see everywhere dolls there. A felt like I was in the Doll city;let me take you a tour in the doll city
In this doll city there is a park, a zoo, school etc. Here you can have the closer view of the doll city:
Here are the houses and apartments. Anyhow the real estate price is very high, if you want ,book an apartment now itself. :-) Otherwise all the dolls are already in the queue to book apartments :-)
 Here is the zoo. Some animals are inside the cages and , Oh! Elephants are also there...
Tired and hungry because of roaming?There is a restaurant  You can order whatever you want :-)
 And now a walk in vegetable market,
And there is a sale also, you can buy anything from dress, shoes, bags and many more:
Now to refresh and cherish your childhood days visit this doll marriage:
 Very cute couple! Have you wished the couple? OK, Now,  let us go to a village now :

So you have roamed in doll city as well as village. Now meet the  creators of this doll city, from left to right cute Aditi , her mom Vidya and her grand mother Lakshmi.
As I have written in the first post about  Gombe Habba with different themes,  this doll arrangement was done by three generation. Everywhere in this arrangement you can observe the creativity of the artists.I really appreciate and love, the traditions of celebrating festivals.How the tradition is passed on to the next generation! Most of the arrangements are made by Eco-friendly  materials. And very small details are also taken care while arranging.Hats of to the three lovely, artistic ladies!

Hope you like all my posts about Gombe habba. Hope to visit some more interesting doll arrangements during next Dasara. Recently visited many interesting places, so will share about that in coming posts. 

Until then, 
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Gombe habba with different themes- Festivals

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Hope all of you had lovely Deepavali celebration. Even I :-). Before Deepavali travelled to 4-5 destinations of my interests. Eager to share about my travel experiences with you all. But before that , sharing about Gombe habba with different themes, which I had already written the first part here Gombe Habba with different themes .
In this post sharing about the festive theme created there:
This is complete glimpse all the Hindu festivals, you can see starting from Naga Panchami (which is the first festival of festive season to Deepavali )

The series start from right, the first festival Naga  Panchami.

Next festival is Krishna Janmashtami , here it is . All the practices and rituals followed in Krishna Janmashtami is shown here, even the Prasad. 
Next , Vara Mahalakshmi Vrutha and Swarna Gowri Vratha which are celebrated in South India, by married women:

 Then comes the everyone's favourite festival Ganesh Chaturthi :

 The the Dasara season. All the practices of Dasara celebration are shown with cute dolls.
Devi Pooja:
World famous Mysore Dasara procession:
Then end of festive season, with Makara Sankranti ,
In each arrangement , very small detail like Rangoli etc are depicted perfectly by the artists.I know you are eager to know about the artists who made these arrangements. Definitely I will introduce them to you in my next post .

Until then, 
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ikkat - textile of Orissa

I have already written about Gombe habba. I Will write about the same in the next posts too. Recently visited  arts and crafts exhibitions conducted at many places in city. I was busy in visiting these exhibitions, got opportunity to view many forms of arts and crafts . Sure, I will share about all the forms of arts and crafts in the coming posts.  In one of such exhibitions  came across Orissa Sarees( normally called as Odisha Sarees).

Here are those colorful sarees:

Aren't these beautiful?! The geometrical designs on bright colors give special appearance and elegance to the cloth. The geometrical shapes on the cloth is made by special dyeing and weaving mechanism called ikat.

Ikat is a dyeing mechanism making geometrical pattern on cloths. You can read more about ikat here.
This art of dyeing is basically from Indonesia, but now its been woven in India too. This is majorly practiced in Orissa and also in Pochmpally of Andhra Pradesh. The tying of threads before dyeing should be very precise to get the geometrical shape.
The ikat sarees made in  Sambalpuri of Orissa sarees are called Sambalpuri sarees. These are characterized by the special motifs like lotus, creeper, elephant , lion , peacock etc.
Here you can see some of the beautiful motifs:

This saree has brown background with Lotus and Peacock motifs. 
I always love to have different  kinds of sarees in my collection of sarees. I normally buy the different kinds of sarees when I visit the places. Also, when I visit some exhibitions.But nowadays we can buy online too.
Hope this will be helpful to the readers who are interested to collect different artifacts.

In next posts share about the different themes used in Gombe habba I visited.

Until then,
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gombe Habba with different themes

During each Dasara I write about Gombe habba. Every year I have been lucky enough to get invitation and enjoy  Gombe habba. Its celebrated during Dasara in some parts of South India. This is celebrated by arranging dolls in the house by women. Each year its different experience and memorable. This year during Dasara I did not get any invitation. So was little disappointed. Thanks to one of my friends, she took me to her friend's house on the last day of Dasara.
I was stunned to see the arrangements of the dolls.It was doll arrangements with different themes, Eco friendly and arranged by 3 generation :-), grand mother, mother and grand daughter. :-) I cannot cover all in single post.
When I entered the house the living room was full with dolls arranged.I was excited to see the dolls and  gave full-time work to my camera.
Let me start with the dolls arranged on different steps, here it is:

The first row from down has dolls of little boys and infants, arranged in a cute way.
  Aren't the dolls very cute? And there are dolls of infants in different position, that too arranged in the cradle. Here is the close look. Ah! I haven't seen any doll cuter than this! What do you say?
 The creativity can be seen in the cradles made of paper.

Next row is dolls depicting story of birth of Shanmukha or Murugan :
Next row is  dolls depicting Dashavatara, (10 incarnation of Lord Vishnu) :
 And Hindu Gods and Goddesses in the next row:
 And the top most row with Pattada Gombe.

These are just one section of the dolls arrangement. Actually the whole house was filled with lots and lots of dolls, arranged in different themes, which I will share in the next post.

Until then, 
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,