
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gombe Habba with different themes

During each Dasara I write about Gombe habba. Every year I have been lucky enough to get invitation and enjoy  Gombe habba. Its celebrated during Dasara in some parts of South India. This is celebrated by arranging dolls in the house by women. Each year its different experience and memorable. This year during Dasara I did not get any invitation. So was little disappointed. Thanks to one of my friends, she took me to her friend's house on the last day of Dasara.
I was stunned to see the arrangements of the dolls.It was doll arrangements with different themes, Eco friendly and arranged by 3 generation :-), grand mother, mother and grand daughter. :-) I cannot cover all in single post.
When I entered the house the living room was full with dolls arranged.I was excited to see the dolls and  gave full-time work to my camera.
Let me start with the dolls arranged on different steps, here it is:

The first row from down has dolls of little boys and infants, arranged in a cute way.
  Aren't the dolls very cute? And there are dolls of infants in different position, that too arranged in the cradle. Here is the close look. Ah! I haven't seen any doll cuter than this! What do you say?
 The creativity can be seen in the cradles made of paper.

Next row is dolls depicting story of birth of Shanmukha or Murugan :
Next row is  dolls depicting Dashavatara, (10 incarnation of Lord Vishnu) :
 And Hindu Gods and Goddesses in the next row:
 And the top most row with Pattada Gombe.

These are just one section of the dolls arrangement. Actually the whole house was filled with lots and lots of dolls, arranged in different themes, which I will share in the next post.

Until then, 
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. Gombe means Doll in Kannada...right??

    And the clicks are nice...
    Kudos to the hosts who put up such a collection of doll...

    Keep Blogging..

  2. What a beautiful arrangement...!! I love this kind of festival....pretty blog!

  3. Loved this post on Gombe Habba . India is so rich in it`s culture and we have so many varied festivals being celebrated during each year . Reading this post , you have so vividly described not only the religious significance but also the family bonding that strengthens during these festivals . Something that we can pass to the next generation !

  4. Wow! You have a good collection.

  5. Grand colorful and captivating ! Dasara is gaining great importance and significance in contemporary times and is celebrated with great pomp and splendor with amazing new themes every year.
