
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gombe Habba- Dolls everywhre

I have already shared about Gombe habba I visited in the following posts :
Gombe Habba with different themes  
Gombe habba with different themes- Festivals 
The collection of the dolls were so much that, I had to continue with this post also. I could see everywhere dolls there. A felt like I was in the Doll city;let me take you a tour in the doll city
In this doll city there is a park, a zoo, school etc. Here you can have the closer view of the doll city:
Here are the houses and apartments. Anyhow the real estate price is very high, if you want ,book an apartment now itself. :-) Otherwise all the dolls are already in the queue to book apartments :-)
 Here is the zoo. Some animals are inside the cages and , Oh! Elephants are also there...
Tired and hungry because of roaming?There is a restaurant  You can order whatever you want :-)
 And now a walk in vegetable market,
And there is a sale also, you can buy anything from dress, shoes, bags and many more:
Now to refresh and cherish your childhood days visit this doll marriage:
 Very cute couple! Have you wished the couple? OK, Now,  let us go to a village now :

So you have roamed in doll city as well as village. Now meet the  creators of this doll city, from left to right cute Aditi , her mom Vidya and her grand mother Lakshmi.
As I have written in the first post about  Gombe Habba with different themes,  this doll arrangement was done by three generation. Everywhere in this arrangement you can observe the creativity of the artists.I really appreciate and love, the traditions of celebrating festivals.How the tradition is passed on to the next generation! Most of the arrangements are made by Eco-friendly  materials. And very small details are also taken care while arranging.Hats of to the three lovely, artistic ladies!

Hope you like all my posts about Gombe habba. Hope to visit some more interesting doll arrangements during next Dasara. Recently visited many interesting places, so will share about that in coming posts. 

Until then, 
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. Amazing....Beautiful Arrangements...........

  2. Creativity at its best awesome job definitely need bigger appreciation

  3. Aww, what a pity that I couldn't see them live. These miniature dolls and other things are epitomes of creativity and they definitely need to be masterpieces, Whoa! Three generations working together! Its a hell of a task as they are three different ideas and the clashes. But the old dexterous woman and the granddaughter's tender precise arms are empowered by the energy of the daughter and mother converting passion to perfection. And Ranjana, these images are crystal clear and almost create a sensation that they are live. Simply beautiful!

  4. Awesome! Almost takes you back to your childhood fantasies! Simple but elegant and the use of eco-friendly materials was great touch! I love the shoes! Good to know that creativity has from one generation to the next and cant wait for next year's golu.
