
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Stupas in Mahabodhi temple- Bodhgaya

The Mohabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya, is not only spiritual place for Buddhist , also an evidence of architecture wonder of Mourya dynasty. Its recognized as World Heritage Monuments in India. Stupas play very important role in Buddhism practice. Stupa in Sanskrit means heap. Some of the  major Stupas in India include, Sanchi Stupa, Mabodhi Stupa of Bodhgaya and  Dhamek Stupa of Sarnat. You can read about the details of Stupa here. The stupas are very significant in Buddhism. Its believed building a stupa is considered extremely beneficial in Buddhism.

 Mahabodhi temple
   The main stupa has a beautiful idol of Buddha, and surrounding the main stupa there are many small stupas. If one goes round the main stupa, can find many devotees  engaged in meditation.
Mahabodhi temple

Mahabodhi temple
The different kind of the carvings on the stupas, attracted me the most.All the stupas have dome shaped structure with carved idols of Buddha.
Mahabodhi temple
This one was near the entrance , you can notice Buddha idols of different shapes on the Stupa.
Mahabodhi temple

Mahabodhi temple
 This is the closer view of the carvings. Some had carvings of very small idols of Buddha in many rows:
Mahabodhi temple
This stupa is in front of the Mahabodhi temple, this is small stupa with Buddha idol carved on it.
Mahabodhi temple
There are many such stupas in Mahabodhi temple , each telling story of Buddha and leading his devotees towards peace.

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,
each telling a story about the great Buddha
each telling a story about the great Buddha


  1. These are such ornate stupas.
    And the temple tower in the first picture is stunning. Look at the work on it!

    Thank you for showing us this, Ranjana.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Let there be peace, harmony and happiness everywhere.

  3. Great pics.
    There is evidence of lot of efforts to maintain them.

  4. Superb.
    I would love to visit this place.

  5. Your photos capture the serenity of the place. I hope I can visit this place in future.
