
Friday, January 23, 2015

Its already four years in Blogosphere

Time just flies! Its already four years completed in blogosphere .  Have written about 167  posts about my experiences and experiments with different kinds of arts and crafts. Tried to introduce some artists and their works.
 Just love this way of following my passion. Above all have got some very good friends in this blogosphere !
2014 was the year of many ups and downs , quit the IT job to become a full time tutor. Started a new venture of making handcrafted fashion jewels. Because of the major decisions in life , life was bit imbalanced, that impacted number of posts too.This year has a good start. Travelled a bit and collected information about different arts and crafts of India. Also equipped with many sources of knowledge about different kinds of craft, like books and articles.
Some are here, the encyclopedia of handicrafts of India: 
A narrative book on sarees of India:
Soon will start posts about crafts of the World. Also, will share many tutorials , which will help craft learners like me.
Thank you all for your support, will continue this journey of sharing about arts and craft, through each post.
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. Congrats on completing 4 years dear. .enjoy !

  2. Congratulations Ranjana .Best wishes for all your future endeavors and artistic pursuits.

  3. congrats on your 4 years in blogland !!

  4. Congrats Ranjana.All the best for your future'

  5. congratulations :)

  6. congratulations :)

  7. Congrats Ranjana. Hope to see more of your wonderful posts.
