
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Horizontal arrays of sculptures- Beauty of Hoysala Architecture

The sculptures in horizontal arrays at the base of the temple is another unique feature of Hoysala temple architecture .
When I had been to Keshva temple at Somanathpura, I captured the sculptural beauty. The base is star shaped , and on top of the different sculptures in arrays:
The top row has beautiful sculptures of peacocks,
The second row is a imaginary animal. The guide told its combination of pig and rhino:
The third row is warriors on chariot :
And finely carved vine and floral designs:
The guide told us , if its observed carefully, no two sculptures are same in design. That shows the skill of the artists. I could observe some more interesting features in this architecture. Will share about in coming posts.
About another unique feature , beautiful carvings on ceilings  , you can read in my previous post. 
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,