
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dhareshwara- Don't miss to visit this ancient temple

If you are traveling on NH 17 connecting Mangalore and Goa, then don't miss to visit this small ancient temple- Dhareshwara. I don't know the exact time of construction of this temple. It is one of the five temples which has Atmalinga, so I guess these five temples must be constructed at same time.
Other five temples are :
  • Mahabaleshwara – Gokarna
  • Sajjeshwar – Near Karwar
  • Dhareshwar –On NH 17 between Mangalore and Goa
  • Gunavanteshwar –On NH 17 between Mangalore and Goa
  • Murudeshwar – This temple is also on NH17, about which I have already written in the following posts:  
    • Murudeshwara- Temple on Seashore
    • Murudeshwara- The story of Aatmalinga

      Its a very small temple. This is how it looks ,
      There is a small pond, (Pushkarani) in front of the temple:

      Entrance of the temple :
      Once yo enter the temple, yo can see beautifully carved interior of the temple 

      Some sculptress on the exterior of the temple: 

       Though its small temple, attracts because of its ancient history. What I am feeling is it should be maintained properly.But its worth to give a visit to this temple, if you are traveling on NH17 connecting Mangalore and Goa.
      Many more to share with you, but in next posts,

       Until then,
      Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun and learned quite a few things too :)

  2. Have visited Mahabaleshwara temple, Gokarn and Murudeshwara Temple. Was not knowing about Dharmeshwara. thanks for sharing this. Planning to visit them in next trip.

  3. Thank you for sharing this hidden treasure!

  4. What an interesting post . I love visiting historically rich places and really liked reading about this one . Looks so serene and calm . Would love to go there someday for sure !

  5. Wonderful photos, transports us right to the temple. Next time at Mangalore, will try to visit the temple.
    monkeyshine nutworks

  6. Wow,what an interesting post,i would like to thank you for sharing this.
    zarah from

  7. We have visited the Gokarna and Murdeshwara temple but never thos . THe interiors are beautiful. Feeling bad for missing this as my SIL was staying in Dharedhwar for 3 years and we had good opportunity to visit.
