
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Handicapped in body, but not in spirit(IMFPA)

One day when I returned home, my son gave an envelope  he had received from the postman. But it was not mine. That was addressed to my neighbour, who had vacated the house. I called her told about this letter and also asked her for their new address to send it to her. She told not to send that , and also told me to keep that as gift from her. Gift!? I just laughed and told her what a gift !  an undelivered letter?!. Uh... She told me to see the contents in the envelope and then tell about the gift. Still I was not convinced, I thought she is making fun.
Whatever, I though gift is a gift, let me see this gift. On that envelope I saw it was written as :
Very interesting! When  I opened the envelope , I could see bunch of  greeting cards. Those are special cards, because they had beautiful paintings printed on those, very beautiful scenery  on them .

Very beautiful! 
Some of the cards have floral paintings on them :

And one of those had a cute teddy painted on that
I was happy to see these cards. On the backside of the card  I saw it was written, "Mouth and Foot Painting Artists" , which raised my curiosity and the website address was also given there - 
.I read about each of the artists.I was astonished to know that all the paintings were drawn by disabled artists.(Sorry, I can't call them as disabled).

I called my friend again and thanked her for giving these special gift.

 I have decided to buy some cards from these artists, not for charity. They don't need charity
Its rightly written on the website " Handicapped in body, but not in spirit". 

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,


  1. Ranjana. I am really impressed with the pictures drawn by these disabled artists..
    Thanks for sharing..

  2. I give rise to look on behalf of such a article on behalf of a sustained era, credit a percentage.

  3. WOW Thank You for sharing this Ranjana...its amazing!!

  4. Wow! These are amazing Ranjana. It might be a bit late to buy diwali greetings from them but I will surely get my new year cards from these amazing artists.

  5. :) indeed -- not handicapped in spirit. So nice of you to showcase their work here. Great pieces of work, they are.

  6. very impressive painting ! and thanks for sharing the details here

  7. Thanks for the share! Very Very impressive and lovely pictures! They are specially abled and not disabled!

  8. The word "Gifted" suits them very well than "Disabled". Wonderful cards....
