
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Surpur miniature paintings- extinct art of Karnataka

I was aware of Rajasthan miniature paintings and Mysore miniature painting. Recently in an exhibition I came to know about another finest art of Karnataka - Surpur miniature paintings. I met an artist, who is practising painting forms , influenced by Surpur miniature.
No doubt, Surpur miniature is one of the finest art contribution from Karnataka, but it is disappearing. The artists who have learnt Surpur miniature art are shifting to other forms.Government arts academy are not supporting enough to keep the art form alive.

Here are some paintings which are influenced by Surpur miniature paintings. I could not collect enough information from the artist, as he was busy in attending the customers. 

The above paintings are by Artist Krishna Vasant. You can view his works here:

Surpur miniature art was practised in Yadgir district of Karnataka.The artists have migrated from Andhra Pradesh. It flourished during the period of ruler Raja Venkatappa Naik. I don't have any pictures of original Surpur miniature painting :( . It is really sad that nothing is made to support this art form.
Original Surpur miniature is found in Salarjung Museum of Hyderabad. Hope this art form will  flourish again.

Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Work In Progress on Wednesday- Cross stitch

This week sharing about, cross stitch work, which I have started long back. This has taken too much of time. My sister is also helping me to complete this project. My mother has made same design and she gifted it to her friend. About her work I had shared in one of my posts- Inheritance . 
Here is the work we started:
Cross stitch
Cross stitch on 1meter X 1 meter cloth
 We have completed working on the main design, the two horses. Now we need to fill it with maroon threads.It won't be completed so soon, cross stitch is always time consuming and this one is nearly 1meter X 1 meter cloth.
The close view of the work:
Cross stitch
Closer view of Cross stitch work
Hope with the help of my sister , it will be completed soon :)
The WIP , I posted two weeks' back is completed. Here is the saree I designed:
Kalamkari Patchwork
Saree with Kalamkari patch work

I have attached the Kalamkari border with brown raw silk border . Attached a  antique gold color lace along, the border.
Kalamkari Patchwork
The border- combination of Kalamkari, raw silk and antique gold lace
Loved the combination, couldn't resist designing jewelry- a simple neck piece with hand-painted pendant and  Rudraksh beads.The Durga pendant, Rudraksh and the Kalamkari border are going well with one another. What do you say?
Kalamkari Patchwork
Jewelry designed for the saree

Will keep sharing about different arts and crafts forms , in coming posts,

Until then,
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,